Monday, August 6, 2007

Roosting the Mtns

I think that riding from Helen, GA when doing a ride in the north GA mountains is the way to go. Many more combinations for rides are possible. One of which Travis Hagner, Ando and I went on. They took me on some dirt roads that were epic. These roads that sadly I cannot tell you how to get to-They blindfolded me on our way there-are the best riding I have done in, well probably since I was riding in Vermont. We rode for a solid hour straight uphill, going fast too. There was a ton more vertical than any of the paved roads in the area. We were practically mountain biking, I wish that we were, but it was fun in skinnies too. They pointed out a lot more riding that can be done too. Epics that are over tall gaps that are not paved. Can't wait to get up there again! Also this GA weather is hot as hell!

I wonder if its going to get over 100F today? Probably.

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