Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Police Buzz on 235 Pearl

Walking home from a pint with my roommate we encountered the police. I saw him from a distance with his lights flashing thinking that it was probably a routine DUI or speeding stop. We (Travis and I) kept walking and chattin like it was nothing and came upon this cop-he was sitting there alone. Okay I was thinking maybe the car drove off already and he had to do some paper work or something. No, the officer stepped out of his car and asked us to walk on the other side of the street. We said that we live at the top of that street there, whats going on? He said that there was a guy running around and they had the K9 force out looking for him. I definitely live in the ghetto. I never really thought I did until tonight. We sat around waiting for the fuzz to say it was okay and he eventually did. We began walking up our street only to notice the police were searching our back yard. Great! Just great. They had their flashlights out and dogs on leashes. We walked quietly and quickly to our front door went in, locked it and now I am hoping that they find the who ever they are looking for before they try to hide in my house. Crazy.

1 comment:

kim potter said...

they were looking for tupac; i just KNOW it!