Monday, April 16, 2007

Rock Hill Spring Omnium

As soon as I moved into my place in Athens I was traveling to another race. I still have to unpack all of my stuff, which isn't all that much considering I fit it all into the back of my Subaru. I went to a Georgia Cup event in Rock Hill, SC. There was a sprint (which I decided to skip), a crit and a road race.

I began the weekend with the crit and had one of the hardest times getting my legs to turn over. It was like they were made out of frozen silly putty. I kept hoping that they would open up and I would be able to throw down some power and help Scottie Wiess launch himself to the line. It never happened and I just barely finished with everyone. It was a great opener however and the road race was bound to be better.

The Road Race:
The race started out with a rather miserable rain storm that was soaking the roads and all of the riders. I love starting races in the rain! However it was warm and I was anxious to see how my legs were going to work. They were blocked again. I decided to sit in the first 45 miles, the first lap and then just attack all the time on lap two. My team mate Prokic would get into a move and then I would get into a move. Eventually my move stuck and we were chasing two guys who were up the road. They were strong but the five of us were going strong as well. We were certainly going to catch the duo. At about 12 miles to go we came upon an intersection and I thought that we were going to need to go straight. But our lead car and the five riders took a right. Damn. I had to slam on my brakes and try to catch my break away group. I was thinking that I had totally butchered my opportunity to win this race because of a silly wrong turn maneuver. However as soon as I was getting close to them they all slowed down and began to turn around. I immediately thought, "yup, they took a wrong turn and i should have gone straight back there." we eventually just rode in nice an casually because everyone was already gone. The race was over because the man in the lead car was talking on his cell phone and the course Marshall were just volunteers who did a great job regardless. Oh well, I will live to race another day in which I don't get lost and I do kick some ass!

Next week is the Tour of Virginia, Oh yeah!

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