Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just another Blog

Here I am, posting yet another blog on the Internet. Like we need any more out there, I mean it seems that just about everyone has one these days. Myspace, Facebook, they just are not enough, I gotta have more, MORE!. Actually, this blog is intended to be used for racing updates, to advertise for my sponsors and to publish my own personal goals and thoughts. Maximizing exposure for myself and sponsors.

I just got back from a trip to Canyonlands, UT with my brother Jonathon. We spent a few days hiking in the Needles district and I must say that if I could I would move there and live there year round. As long as the same conditions existed that are there right now. Warm days, cold nights, and a lot of water every where. There was snow, ice and running water in just about every canyon we went into. But the water does not always flow and the nights do not always stay cold. Soon enough the weather will be hot, jsut about 24hrs a day and the masses, the yahoos, will head out to the desert country Ed Abbey ironically made famous. That is when I feel ike the essence, the very thing that makes the desert what it is, is lost. This time of the year there are few in the desert, and they are spread very thin making it feel like you might be the only one who is out there relying only on yourself. If you have not felt the sensation, you must before you die. The silence and peacefulness of the Needles has rejuvinated me. The desert can be so draining, and harsh but there is really a lot of life to take in and absorb. I wish I could put into words how I really feel about the area. A gift Ed Abbey had indeed.

But, I am now back at the grind of every day life, training again with a enhanced vigour that will surely make 2007 a great year.

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